Saturday, April 02, 2011

4th Street Northwest

Part of the fun of using a bicycle to get to and from work, is NOT rushing each way.  If you just ride, and take time to talk to people along the way, stop for a donut or a beer, it actually does change your life one little step at a time.  Your ugly "commute" (once considered a waste of time) is now a beautiful journey.  Instead of taking the busiest, and shortest route home, try taking the longest route home.  The other day the sun was out and I was heading up 4th Street.  St. Adelbert's Basilica did a beautiful job recently recovering their domes from ugly copper green to gorgeous original condition.  I stopped to take a picture, and discovered other things about this parish church that were really cool.  So the next time you're tempted to rush home, instead you should pedal somewhere new and different from the norm.  You  might find a beautiful building or person.

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