Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Break Free

Every day I find that I am able to go places denied to a vehicle.  I break free from traffic. Today I zipped through a parking lot as a short cut because the gate barring access to card holders was not big enough to restrict me.  Then I got to my destination (Founder's Brewery), and instead of paying $1.50 at a meter, I was able to park my bike, free of charge, on the lovely porch of the brewery where Founder's has installed wonderful bike parking under the watchful overhanging porch roof.  One of the great things about having a brewery close to work is that I can zip over to Founder's, pick up beer, strap it to my bike racks, and proceed homeward with my cargo.  I highly recommend a "cargo" bike in the tradition of my Workcycles Transport.  There's a fantastic youtube video, don't mind the techno, which shows hundreds of historic and modern pictures of Dutch transport bikes...at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SceL9ONbclI

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